91 books • 12 series
Ben Smith has been writing stories from a young age. His passion for video games and anime inspired him to create the Hero books. Hero II – The Rise of Peresus is the second book in the Hero trilogy.
Springboard Lvl 2h: What Can It Do?
Springboard Lvl 7g: Pete and Katy Go Skii
Springboard Lvl 12a: The Flying Doctor
Springboard Upper: Slave, The
Springboard Lower: Cloud Washerwoman, The
Beginning Json
Hero II
Sky Burials
Advanced ActionScript 3
STOP Rejection
Kung Fu San Soo Basics
Where Did My Grandparents Come From? (Little Book of Answers: Level C)
How Are Oceans and Lakes Alike? (Little Book of Answers: Level F)
Who Listens to the Weather Forecast? (Little Book of Answers: Level D)
Why Does This Float? (Little Book of Answers: Level D)
Why Do We Celebrate? (Little Book of Answers: Level D)
Where Do Big Cats Live? (Little Book of Answers: Level B)
Where Can You Find Hard and Soft Things? (Little Book of Answers: Level E)
What Makes the Air Dirty? (Little Book of Answers: Level C)
Ethan and Jake's Underground Adventure
Chess: The Sixty Four Stratagems
The Death Principle