282 books • 57 series
Baby Turtles (Super Cute!)
Ticks (Creepy Crawlies)
Slugs (Creepy Crawlies)
Praying Mantises (Creepy Crawlies)
Black Widow Spiders (Creepy Crawlies)
Red Pandas (Animal Safari)
Baby Foxes (Super Cute!)
American Beavers (North American Animals)
Bighorn Sheep (North American Animals)
Nine-Banded Armadillos (North American Animals)
Baby Hedgehogs (Super Cute!)
Moose (North American Animals)
Baby Hippos (Super Cute!)
Baby Koalas (Super Cute!)
Platypuses (Animal Safari)
Sloths (Animal Safari)
Baby Squirrels (Super Cute!)
Baby Giraffes (Super Cute!)
Sing Along Songs Hickory Dickory Dock
Sing Along Songs Oats and Beans and Barley Grow
Sing Along Songs Oh Susanna
Sing Along Songs 10 Little Kittens
Sing Along Songs BAA BAA Black Sheep
Row, Row, Row Your Boat (Sing-Along Songs)