27 books • 1 series
Jamaica Ginger and Other Concoctions
Blackheart Man
Skin Folk and the Salt Roads
House of Whispers Volume 3: Watching the Watchers
Correnti future
The House of Whispers Volume 2
House of Whispers Volume 1: The Powers Divided
People of Color Take Over Fantastic Stories of the Imagination
Lightspeed Magazine, June 2016: People of Colo(u)r Destroy Science Fiction! Special Issue (Lightspeed Magazine, Issue, #73)
Falling in Love with Hominids
Sister Mine
The Chaos
Flying Lessons
Soul Case
The New Moon's Arms
So Long Been Dreaming
The Salt Roads
Mojo Hoodoo Stories
Skin Folk
Under Glass
Under Glass Under Glass
Whispers from the Cotton Tree Root