Ellen Larson writes mystery fiction, science fiction, and mainstream fiction. Her short stories have appeared in Yankee Magazine, Alfred Hitchcock's Mystery Magazine (2010 Barry Award finalist), Big Pulp, Bloodroot, and Stoneslide Corrective. She is the author of the NJ Mysteries (Poisoned Pen Press 2013, 2014; Sturdy prose and diverting sub-plots -Library Journal), The Measure of the Universe (Savvy Press 2000; Engaging weekend read for language lovers -Booklist) and In Retrospect (Five Star 2013; Carefully crafted -starred PW, A cleverly structured mix of science fiction and mystery -Booklist, Twisty plot -Kirkus). A New Jersey native, Larson lived for seventeen years in Egypt, where she discovered a love of cultures not her own. These days she splits her time between an island off the Gulf Coast of Florida and an off-grid cabin in upstate New York, enjoying the solitude.