George Oliver Smith (April 9, 1911 - May 27, 1981), also known as Wesley Long, was a notable American science fiction writer, particularly recognized during the Golden Age of Science Fiction in the 1940s. He made significant contributions to Astounding Science Fiction, where his collaboration with the editor John W. Campbell, Jr. was impacted by Campbell's personal life when his wife, Doña, married Smith in 1949. Smith published a range of science fiction novels and stories, including Dynasty of the Lost, until 1960. However, his productivity decreased in the 1960s and 1970s due to work obligations. In 1980, he received the First Fandom Hall of Fame award, honoring his impact on the genre. Additionally, Smith was part of the Trap Door Spiders, an all-male literary club that inspired Isaac Asimov's fictional Black Widowers. His works primarily explore outer space, and he is well-remembered for the Venus Equilateral series and titles like Operation Interstellar.