127 books
sorry Bigfoot stole my homework
mammoth didnt read therefore he is extinct
Um element of confusion
science teacher like a normal teacher except much cooler
sorry Aliens abducted my homework
1st grade lets climb
sixth grade crew
sorry the fairy took my homework
ready to jump over the 5th grade
physics teacher like a normal teacher except much cooler
good luck 5th grade crossing my fingers for you
Dab to the 3rd grade
i got my ion you
ready to jump over the 2nd grade
fifth grade crew
ready to jump over the 3rd grade
Caveman did not study therefore they Extinct
good luck 6th grade crossing my fingers for you
5th grade good vibes only
get on board lets discover 1st grade
6th grade happily ever after
6th grade squad let the journey begin
6th grade grow learn explore
Dinosaurs didnt read therefore they are extenct