An avid reader herself, Angela Quarles writes books she'd like to read-laugh-out-loud, smart, sexy romances that suck you into her worlds and won't let you go until you reach The End. She is a RWA RITA(R) Winner and USA Today bestselling author of contemporary, time travel, and steampunk romance. Her steampunk, Steam Me Up, Rawley, was named Best Self-Published Romance of 2015 by Library Journal and Must Love Chainmail won the 2016 RITA(R) Award in the paranormal category, the first indie to win in that category. Angela loves history, folklore, and family history. She decided to take this love of history and her active imagination and write stories of romance and adventure for others to enjoy. When not writing, she's either working at the local indie bookstore or enjoying the usual stuff like gardening, reading, hanging out, eating, drinking, chasing squirrels out of the walls, and creating the occasional knitted scarf.