We are Teresa and Keith Peters, acclaimed fine art photographers. Since the inception of our company, T&K Images, in 1991, we have honed our distinctive style, capturing our world's breathtaking beauty and tranquility. Diverging from the studio-centric approach of many fine art photographers, our expertise lies in capturing the natural allure of landscapes, nature, and our history. This entails relying on nature's provisions, whether patiently waiting for optimal lighting or accepting its unpredictable nature. Planning the best locations and times for photography is part of the adventure, and we are always ready to adapt our plans spontaneously to capture the perfect image. Teresa expresses her mission as capturing the everyday beauty surrounding us - from a delicate flower to a vibrant sunset, a summer storm, or the serendipity of three horses all in a row looking at her on a misty morning. Her passion lies in exploring the world to discover and share these fleeting moments, capturing them with breathless excitement.On the other hand, Keith is captivated by the allure of the old and rusty. Ghost towns and abandoned mining camps hold a special place in his heart, showcasing the ingenuity and hard work that characterized life in the early West. Keith aims to share his love for these places through his photographs, preserving fragments of history that time is gradually eroding. Keith's subjects often lie off the beaten path, so his journeys lead him to the backcountry. In these expeditions, the natural beauty along the way sometimes steals the focus, turning an ordinary day into an extraordinary photography session.