44 books • 3 series
Race Adjustment; Essays on the Negro in America - Primary Source Edition
Deadly Fantasies (A Detective Kate Springer Mystery, #2)
Progress and Achievements of the Colored People... - Primary Source Edition
Dead Like Me (A Detective Kate Springer, #2)
Kelly Miller's History of the World War for Human Rights; Why America Entered the Conflict & a Thrilling Account of the Important Part Taken by the Negro in the Tragic Defeat of Germany
The Negro in the New Reconstruction
Race Adjustment; Essays on the Negro in America
As to the Leopard's Spots
The Valley of Dying Stars:: The Works of Five American Authors
The Road Not Taken
An Appeal to Conscience; America's Code of Caste, a Disgrace to Democracy
A Review of Hoffman's Race Traits and Tendencies of the American Negro - The American Negro Academy. Occasional Papers No. 1
Race Adjustment Race Adjustment
An appeal to conscience
Progress and Achievements of the Colored People...
Kelly Miller's History of the World War for Human Rights (1919)
Kelly Miller's History of the World War for Human Rights
Out of the House of Bondage
History of the World War for Human Rights