114 books • 10 series
has published over eighty-five children's picture and poetry books. He was recently given the NCTE Excellence in Children’s Poetry Award, and was the Poetry Foundation's third US Children's Poet Laureate (2011-2013).
The Wren and the Sparrow
Voices from the March on Washington
Harlem Hellfighters
Everything Is a Poem: The Best of J. Patrick Lewis
M Is for Monster
The Good Ship Crocodile
Face Bug
When Thunder Comes
If You Were a Chocolate Mustache
Countdown to Summer
Edgar Allan Poe's Pie
What's Looking at You, Kid?
Tugg and Teeny: That's What Friends Are for (I Am a Reader!)
Last Laughs
And the Soldiers Sang
Tugg and Teeny: Jungle Surprises (I Am a Reader!)
Jungle Suprises (Tugg and Teeny )
Tugg and Teeny (I Am a Reader!: Tugg and Teeny) (I Am a Reader!)
First Dog's White House Christmas
Gulls Hold Up the Sky
The Fantastic 5 & 10 Cent Store