68 books
The Exclusives
The Exclusives, Vols. I-III (of 3)
Diary Illustrative of the Times of George the Fourth, Interspersed with Original Letters from the Late Queen Caroline, and from Various Other Distinguished Persons
Flirtation, Volume III - Scholar's Choice Edition
The Lady's Own Cookery Book, and New Dinner-Table Directory - Scholar's Choice Edition
The Exclusives (Volume 1)
The Exclusives (Volume 3)
Diary Illustrative of the Times of George the Fourth; Comprising the Secret History of the Court During the Reigns of George III and George IV. Inters
The Divorced; Tales of Woman's Trials
Diary Illustrative of the Times of George the Fourth Volume 4; Comprising the Secret History of the Court, During the Reigns of George III. and George
The Divorced
Flirtation Volume 1
Diary Illustrative of the Times of George the Fourth (Volume 4); Comprising the Secret History of the Court, During the Reigns of George III and Georg
Family Records (Volume 1); Or, the Two Sisters
Diary Illustrative of the Times of George the Fourth (Volume 3); Interspersed with Original Letters from the Late Queen Caroline and from Various Other Distinguished Persons
Ellen Glanville (Volume 2)
Flirtation (Volume 2)
Diary Illustrative of the Times of George the Fourth (Volume 2); Comprising the Secret History of the Court, During the Reigns of George III. and Geor
Diary Illustrative of the Times of George the Fourth (Volume 3); Comprising the Secret History of the Court During the Reigns of George III and George
Family Records (Volume 2); Or, the Two Sisters
Self-Indulgence (Volume 1); A Tale of the Nineteenth Century
Diary Illustrative of the Times of George the Fourth; Interspersed with Original Letters from the Late Queen Caroline, and from Various Other Distingu
The Lady's Own Cookery Book, and New Dinner-Table Directory, Thrid Edition, by Charlotte Campbell Bury - The Original Classic Edition
The Exclusives - In Two Volumes - Vol. II