69 books • 28 series
The Kinslayer Wars (Elven Nations S., #2)
Maztica Boxed Set #
Feathered Dragon (The Maztica trilogy) (TSR Fantasy S.)
Viperhand (TSR Fantasy S.) (The Maztica trilogy)
Dragonlance Preludes II (TSR Fantasy S.)
Ironhelm (The Maztica trilogy, #1) (TSR Fantasy S.)
The Complete Thief's Handbook
Viperhand: Forgotten Realms (The Maztica trilogy, #2)
Dungeons and Dragons Moonshae Trilogy (Boxed)
City of Greyhawk Boxed Set
Darkwell (Moonshae Trilogy, #3) (TSR Fantasy S.)
Darkwell: Forgotten Realms
Red Storm Rising Game
Black Wizards (Moomshae Trilogy, #2) (Moonshae Trilogy)
The Throne of Bloodstone
Darkwalker on Moonshae (Forgotten Realms Moonshae Trilogy, #1) (Moomshae Trilogy, #1) (Forgotten Realms S., No 1) (Moonshae Trilogy) (TSR Fantasy S.)
AD&D Dungeoneer's Survival Guide
Dunegons and Dragons Adventure Gamebook #10 Lord of Doom
Dragons of Glory
Tarzan and the Well of Slaves (Endless Quest Book, #26)
Advanced Dungeons and Dragons Module Dl2 (Dragonlance, #2)