65 books • 1 series
Some Enquiries Into the Effects of Fermented Liquors
Thoughts of Divines and Philosophers
The Debates Upon the Bills for Abolishing the Punishment of Death; For Stealing to the Amount of Forty Shillings in a Dewlling-House, for Stealing to the Amount of Five Shillings Privately in a Shop. and for Stealing on Navigable Rivers
The Works of Francis Bacon. Vol. XIII
The Works of Francis Bacon ... A new edition
Letters to T.B. Macaulay, Upon the Review of the Life of Lord Bacon. Letter 1
A Summary of the Law of Lien
The Works of Francis Bacon
The Works of Francis Bacon, Lord Chancellor of England Volume 1
The Works of Francis Bacon Lord Chancellor of England Vol XIII
A Summary of the Law of Set-Off; With an Appendix of Cases Argued and Determined in the Courts of Law and Equity Upon That Subject
Selections from the Works of Taylor, Hooker, Hall, and Lord Bacon; With an Analysis of the Advancement of Learning
The Works of Francis Bacon, Lord Chancellor of England (Volume 16, #1)
Selections from the Works of Taylor, Hooker, Barrow, South, Latimer, Brown, Milton and Bacon;
The Private Tutor, Or, Thoughts Upon the Love of Excelling and the Love of Excellence
Inquiries Respecting the Courts of Commissioners of Bankrupts, and Lord Chancellor's Court
The Opinions of Different Authors Upon the Punishment of Death