16 books • 3 series
The Art of Dying Well
Ascent of the Mind to God
On the Sacraments in General, on Baptism and on Confirmation
The Eternal Happiness of the Saints (Annotated)
On the Canonization and Veneration of the Saints
De Controversiis Tomus III On the Church, containing On Councils, On the Church Militant, and on the Marks of the Church
De Controversiis II
De Controversiis Tomus II
The Seven Words on the Cross
On Temporal and Spiritual Authority (Natural Law and Enlightenment Classics)
The Eternal Happiness of the Saints
Spiritual Writings (Classics of Western Spirituality, v.61)
The Art of Dying Well (English Recusant Literature S.)
Of the Seven Wordes Spoken by Christ Upon the Crosse (English Recusant Literature S.)
Eglurhad Helaeth-lawn (English Recusant Literature S.)
Treatise Framing a Ladder Whereby Our Mindes May Ascend to God (English Recusant Literature S.)