Ky-Lee Hanson is First Nations / Canadian, a successful serial entrepreneur, and a multi-time award winning author. She is an idea person: always creating and seeking deeper understanding to provide new visions to the world. She is inquisitive, self-sufficient, and self-aware. Her studies in sociology, and health sciences have led her to have an understanding of people. She is optimistic but understands things for what they are. Being someone who can spot potential, one of the hardest things she learns over and over is: You can't help someone who doesn't want to help themselves. Growing up, she had a difficult time understanding why people couldn't live the lives they dreamed of. Ky-Lee has a problem-solving mind, and found the true strength of life and her endless capabilities through a serious health battle in her late twenties. Ky-Lee took control and, over the years, mastered how to get her power back: mind, body, and soul. She also discovered the best way to relate to people is not to; instead, simply listen to understand their world for the uniqueness that it is. She thrives on creating opportunities to help people. Her success came by developing the taboo art of collaborative business. Ky-Lee has an open-door policy she learned from her mom, a listening ear, and an opportunity to lock arms and take you down your Golden Brick Road.