74 books • 14 series
Satoshi Kitamura is a Japanese children's picture book author and illustrator, famous for his watercolours and quirky characters.
Hello! Who's There?
Pablo El Artista
The Bird That Loves to Sing
Pablo the Artist
Igor, The Bird Who Couldn't Sing
Moi ET Mon Chat
The Comic Adventures of Boots
Ned And The Joybaloo
Defaid Mewn Dillad Blaidd
Fi a'r Gath?
Mi Primera Sopa de libros
Me and My Cat?
El Pececito Juega a Las Esconididas / Goldfish Hide-And-Seek
El Pececito Juega A las Esconididas
Tom Squirrel
Woolly in the Boat
Millie on Wings
Por El Hilo Se Saca El Ovillo (Historias Para Dormir)
Pato Esta Sucio
Gato Tiene Sueno
Ardilla Tiene Hambre
Perro Tiene SED
Bath-Time Boots
A Friend for Boots (Satoshi Kitamura Board Books)