BYRD L. JONES is Professor of Education at the University of Massachusetts, Amherst. He teaches urban education, economics of education, staff development, and the impact of computers on schools and society as well as multicultural issues. He is currently coeditor of the journal Equity and Excellence in Education and codirector of the Eastern Regional Information Center on Community Service Learning in K-12 Schools. He is coauthor with Robert Maloy of Partnerships for Improving Schools (Greenwood, 1988).

ROBERT W. MALOY is a lecturer in the School of Education at the University of Massachusetts, Amherst. He coordinates History and Social Studies Teacher Education and codirects the TEAMS Project, a tutoring program serving culturally diverse students in local elementary and secondary schools. He is coauthor with Sharon Edwards of Kids Have All the Write Stuff: Inspiring Your Children to Put Pencil to Paper (1992).