Edward Wilson is a native of Baltimore. He studied International Relations on a US Army scholarship and later served as a Special Forces officer in Vietnam. He received the Army Commendation Medal with 'V' for his part in rescuing wounded Vietnamese soldiers from a minefield. His other decorations include the Bronze Star and the Combat Infantryman's Badge. After leaving the Army, Wilson became an expatriate and gave up US nationality to become a British citizen. He has also lived and worked in Germany and France, and was a post-graduate student at Edinburgh University. He now lives in Suffolk where he taught English and Modern Languages for thirty years.
Jan 31, 2012
Cover of Parochial Sermons

Parochial Sermons

Nov 23, 2011
Cover of Mountain Climbing

Mountain Climbing

Jan 31, 2008
Cover of The Envoy

The Envoy (Catesby)

Feb 26, 2007
Cover of La Creacion

La Creacion

Mar 1, 2004
Cover of Cicatrix


Mar 1, 2002
Cover of A River in May

A River in May