424 books
With enough coffee i can dress myself and use my grown up manners
Life happens coffee helps
I wake up some mornings and sit and have my coffee and look out at my beautiful garden and i go 'remember how good this is because you can lose it'
Life without coffee is like something without something...sorry i haven't had any coffee yet
A bad day with coffee is better than a good day without it
I love it when the coffee kicks in and i realize what an adorable badass i'm going to be today
I judge a restaurant by the bread and by the coffee
I never drink coffee at lunch i find it keeps me awake for the afternoon
Women aren't supposed to make coffee...the bible says "he brews"
I love my Saturday coffee the way i used to love Saturday morning cartoons
Coffee helps me maintain my "never killed anyone streak"
I was taken by the power that savoring a simple cup of coffee can have to connect people and create community
Why did the hipster burn his tongue because he drank his coffee before it was cool
Want to hear a really dark joke...decaf
Coffee because crack isn't accepted in the workplace
He was my cream and i was his coffee and when you poured us together it was something
Our culture runs on coffee and gasoline the first often tasting like the second
Coffee is always a Good idea
Am coffee... Pm still coffee
Like everyone else who makes the mistake of getting older i begin each day with coffee and obituaries
Shhhh don't disturb me i'm busy changing coffee into badassery
May your coffee be stronger than your toddler
Coffee the favorite drink of the civilized world
Sometimes you gotta drink some coffee put on some rock n' roll and handle your business