Jim Bowman lives near Singers Glen, Virginia, with his wife, Cathy, on a hillside piece of land hived off from the farm where he grew up. He is father to two living children, and two grand children. He is partially retired, and enjoys gardening, cycling and hiking. Bowman spent 15 years of his adult life working as a volunteer for an international development agency (Mennonite Central Committee [MCC]), and 20 years as a farmer specializing strawberries and other vegetables. He graduated with a degree in sociology from Eastern Mennonite University, and then earned a Master's degree in Conflict Transformation, also from Eastern Mennonite. Bowman currently serves as President of the Board of Gift and Thrift in Harrisonburg, Virginia, a recycling and repurposing non-profit operation which raises money for the international relief and development work of MCC. Bowman can be contacted at mijnamwob@gmail.com....