Alan Martin is the co-creator of Tank Girl (along with artist Jamie Hewlett). He lives in the UK.
Artist Jamie Hewlett is best known as the visual genius behind the award-winning, virtual pop group Gorillaz. His work includes 2000AD's Hewligan's Haircut, covers for DC, and interior art for Doom Patrol. He cocreated Tank Girl with writer Alan Martin in 1988 for British music and comics magazine Deadline, generating a vibrant body of work that became a series of top-selling graphic novels. He was named Designer of the Year in 2006 by Design Museum.
Brett Parson is an American self-taught comic book artist from the East Coast. His passions include makin' cartoons, drinkin' beer, and keepin' it weird. Credits include New Romancer for Vertigo Comics and 21st Century Tank Girl.