40 books • 14 series
My Library of Holidays
Buhos (Explora La Naturaleza)
Aranas: Por Dentro Y Por Fuera (Spiders: Inside and Out) (Explora La Naturaleza)
Christmas = (Powerkids Readers: My Library of Holidays)
Abejas: Por Dentro Y Por Fuera (Bees: Inside and Out) (Explora La Naturaleza)
Explora La Naturaleza (Getting Into Nature)
Easter / Pascua (Powerkids Readers: My Library of Holidays)
Tortugas: Por Dentro Y Por Fuera (Turtles: Inside and Out) (Explora La Naturaleza)
Getting Into Nature
Ellis Island (Primary Sources in American History)
Grant and Lee at Appomattox
The Transcontinental Railroad (Primary Sources in American History)
Careers in Urban Planning
The Oneida of Wisconsin (Library of Native Americans)
Careers in Urban Planning (Career Resource Library)
The Wreck of the Andrea Gail (Wow)