Stacey Kananen is the adult survivor of child abuse and murder. After being accused by her brother of helping him to murder their parents, Stacey went on trial for her life. After being found not guilty, Stacey decided to share her intensely personal story and plans to use proceeds to develop a new kind of abuse advocacy program, in an effort to raise awareness, help repair the system, and to eventually create a safe haven for abused kids and their families to get the help they need. She is vitally interested in creating change in the social structure of how child abuse is handled in the court system. Her long term goals include the creation of the Marilyn Kananen Foundation, in honor of her mother who would be alive today if not for domestic violence and abuse.

Lisa Bonnice was an award winning writer/producer for, and worked as an on-air Internet reporter during her five years at WKJG-TV in Fort Wayne, Indiana. She received two Excellence Awards from during her tenure there. She has written two self-help books, and her pet project is a series of humorous fantasy novels. In addition to numerous guest appearances on radio and television interviews, she hosted her own show on, with a focus on human consciousness and self-help. Lisa shares Stacey’s desire to develop a new kind of advocacy program, and is working closely with her to do so.