Eva-Lotta Lamm is a designer, illustrator, visual thinker and passionate yogini. After studying design in Germany, she lived in Paris and London for 10 years, working as a User Experience designer for companies like Yahoo, Skype and Google. Her yoga journey began in 2013 when she got introduced to Shivananda Yoga in London. After trying out various styles and classes, she found her teacher Surinder Singh on a trip to India in Rishikesh in 2014. With him, she studied classic Hatha Yoga. She returned in 2016 to complete a teacher training course and practice in the shala for several months. Eva-Lotta used sketching and visual note taking extensively during the teacher training to capture and digest the wealth of new information (which she published as a book as well). She now regularly sketches out sequences for her own practice and to share with friends. Eva-Lotta made herself a name for taking sketchnotes - a hand drawn form of visual notes that combine words and images into rich visual summaries - at design conferences around the globe, which she published in several books. She is also sought after expert and speaker on the topic of sketching and visual thinking. She regularly teaches sketching workshops, helping people from all kinds of professions to use the power of visual thinking to develop and express their ideas. After being a (semi-)nomad for over 2 years - travelling the world, studying yoga and improvisation and doing freelance work - she now lives in Berlin, working as an independent designer, teacher and author.