48 books
From Heligoland to Keeling Island; One Hundred Days of Naval War - Primary Source Edition
How our navy is run
The Merchant Navy, Volume 1...
Naval Efficiency; The War Readiness of the Fleet
The Heroic Record of the British Navy
The Triumph of the Tramp Ship
The Heroic Record Of The British Navy A Short History Of The Naval War 1914-1918
The Merchant Navy Volume 2
The New Empire Partnership Defence - Commerce - Policy
German Sea-Power, Its Rise, Progress, and Economic Basis;
German Sea-Power; Its Rise and Progress, and Economic Basis;
How Our Navy Is Run; A Description of Life in the Kings's Fleet
From Heligoland to Keeling Island; One Hundred Days of Naval War
The British Fleet in the Great War
The Merchant Navy
A Merchant Fleet at War
Sons of Admiralty a Short History of the Naval War, 1914-1918
The German Fleet; Being the Companion Volume to the Fleets at War and from Heligoland to Keeling Island
The Command Of The Sea - Some Problems Of Imperial Defence Considered In The Light Of The German Navy Act, 1912
The Sea Traders
The Command of the Sea
The New Empire Partnership
History of the Great War
History of the Great War. The Merchant Navy