213 books • 36 series
If You Were a Gerbil
I Have a Mental Handicap
Parrots (Save Our Wild Life S.)
Leopards (Save Our Wild Life S.)
Sizes of Things
Animals at Night
Foxes (Life Cycle)
Fish (Life Cycle)
Tree (Life Cycle)
Snails (Life Cycle)
Hippos at Home (Piper Picture Books)
I Have Epilepsy (Dinosaur talk it over)
Five Senses
The Cake Maker
Shapes of Things (Althea)
Special Care Babies (Talk it over)
Farm Animals (Dinosaur books)
Visiting Dentist-HB
Living in Roman Times
Growing Plants at Home
I Can't Hear Like You (Talking it Through S.)
Know the Time
Swan (Life Cycle)
Ladybirds (Life Cycle)