78 books • 2 series
Selected Speeches and Documents on British Colonial Policy 1763-1917
Dominion Home Rule in Practice, Volumes 1-2
The Veda of the Black Yajus School, Entitled Taittiriya Sanhita
Selected Speeches and Documents on British Colonial Policy, 1763-1917 (Volume 1)
Selected Speeches and Documents on British Colonial Policy, 1763-1917 (Volume 2)
The Sankhayana Aranyaka, with an Appendix on the Mahavrata
Oxford Lectures on Literature, 1908-22
Indian Logic and Atomism; An Exposition of the Nyaya and Vaicesika Systems
Responsible Government in the Dominions (Volume 1)
Responsible Government in the Dominions (Volume 2)
Responsible Government in the Dominions (Volume 3)
The Karma-Mimamsa
The Samkhya System, a History of the Samkhya Philosophy
Responsible Government in the Dominions
Dominion Home Rule in Practice
Imperial Unity and the Dominions
The Yajur Veda (Taittiriya Sanhita)
The Veda of the Black Yajus School
Buddhist Philosophy in India
The Sanskrit Drama
Buddhist Philosophy in India and Ceylon
Indian [Mythology]
Indian Logic and Atomism