65 books • 6 series
Sins of the Fathers (Inspector Carlyle, #8)
Between the Lines
Time of Death (Inspector Carlyle Mysteries)
Shoot To Kill (Inspector Carlyle, #7)
A Man Like God
On The Yukon Trail
A Man of Sorrows (Inspector Carlyle, #6) (Inspector Carlyle Mysteries)
The Inspector Carlyle Omnibus (Books 1-3)
The Hand of God
My Loyalty, My Honor
Earth Resources and the Environment
What Dies Inside
Criminally Good
The Circus (Inspector Carlyle, #4)
Then We Die (Inspector Carlyle, #5) (Inspector Carlyle Mysteries)
The Enemy Within
Buckingham Palace Blues (Inspector Carlyle, #3) (Inspector Carlyle Mysteries)
Never Apologise, Never Explain (Inspector Carlyle, #2)
Spiritual Life. Poems on Several Divine Subjects, Relating Both to the Inward Experience and Outward Practice of Christianity
Designing with Type, 5th Edition
London Calling (Inspector Carlyle, #1) (Inspector Carlyle Mysteries)
The Excise Officer's Pocket Companion; Containing Those Things Which Are Actually Practised in Scotland, and Which Are Absolutely Necessary to Be Understood by Every Person Employed as an Officer of Excise
Spiritual Life. Poems on Several Divine Subjects, Relating Both to the Inward Experience and Outward Practice of Christianity. by the Reverend Mr. James Craig,
The Gospel on the Continent Incidents in the Life of James Craig