56 books • 14 series
A Wind in The Hebrides
The Dawning of Peace
The Famishment of the People
The Shaping of the Union
The Strife of Ascendancy (Celtic Cross, #7)
The Hammering of the Inhabitancy
The Planting of Ulster
The Vanquishers of Tyranny
The Refiner of the Realm
The Forger of a Nation
The Keeper of the Stone
A Lighted Lamp
Against All Fierce Hostility (Monastery Murders, #6)
Where Love Shines (Where There Is Love, #5)
Where Love Restores (Where There Is Love, #4)
Where Love Triumphs (Where There Is Love, #3)
Where Love Illumines (Where There Is Love, #2)
The Flame Ignites (Elizabeth and Richard Literary Suspense, #1)
A Lethal Spectre
A Darkly HiddenTruth (Monastery Murders, #2)
A Most Singular Venture (Elizabeth and Richard Literary Suspense, #5)
An All-Consuming Fire (Monastery Murders, #5)
A Newly Crimsoned Reliquary
A Jane Austen Encounter