25 books • 3 series
Bell Harry
Seven Days of Infamy
V65841 for Nicholas
Five Days That Shocked the World
The Souvenir (Fast Fiction)
Greatest Day in History, The: How, on the Eleventh Hour of the Eleventh Day of the Eleventh Month, the First World War Finally CAM
The Greatest Day in History
The Pharaohs
Mad Monarchs
The Kings and Queens of Scotland
The Knights Templar
Presidents of the United States of America
The Kings and Queens of England
Presidents of the United States (Miniature Editions)
Historic Britain from the Air
Celtic Britain (Weidenfeld Country Miniatures S.)
Tudor Britain (Weidenfeld Country Miniatures S.)
Mediaeval Britain (Weidenfeld Country Miniatures S.)
Victorian Britain (Weidenfeld Country Miniatures S.)
Kings & Queens (Mini Ed) X 10
Tennis and the Masai
Where Were You at Waterloo?