134 books • 3 series
The Mirror House Girls
Pearl in Deep
You Don't Marry Yourself.
The Prediction (The Jolvix Episodes)
US Military Bases, Quasi-bases, and Domestic Politics in Latin America
The Analysis of Paints and Painting Materials
The Life and Death of Sam, in Virginia
Some Reflections on a Pamphlet Intituled, England and East-India Inconsistent in Their Manufactures (1696)
Papers on Paint and Varnish and the Materials Used in Their Manufacture
Paint Researches and Their Practical Application
History of Taxation in Rhode Island to the Year 1790
A Dictionary of All Officers, Who Have Been Commissioned, or Have Been Appointed and Served, in the Army of the United States; Since the
Vital Records of Gardner, Massachusetts; To the End of the Year 1849
Outlines of Lectures in Elementary Economics, Brown University
Fertility of Soils as Affected by Manures
Court Martial; Proceedings of a General Court Martial Held at Fort Independence (Boston Harbor), for the Trial of Major Charles K. Gardner of
Tested; Or, Hope's Fruition
Kosciuszko, a Biography
Live Stock and Dairy Farming, a Non-Technical Manual for the Successful Breeding, Care and Management of Farm Animals, the Dairy Herd, and the
A Review in Law and Equity for Law Students; A Hand-Book for Law Students
The Causes and Curative Treatment of Sterility, with a Preliminary Statement of the Physiology of Generation
Fruits, Vegetables and Flowers, a Non-Technical Manual for Their Culture, Management and Improvement
Town and Country School Buildings; A Collection of Plans and Designs for Schools of Various Sizes, Graded and Ungraded