22 books • 8 series
Renaissance Reflections
Renaissance Historicism
Sidney in Retrospect
Shakespeare and Cognition
Shakespeare's Webs
Shakespeare by Stages
A Companion to Renaissance Drama
Lies Like Truth
Renaissance Drama (Blackwell Anthologies)
Dorothy Parker, Revised (Twayne's United States authors, TUSAS 701)
"Go Down, Moses"
Critical Essays on William Faulkner (Critical Essays on American Literature S.)
Approaches to Teaching Faulkner's The Sound and the Fury (Approaches to Teaching World Literature)
Rogues, Vagabonds, & Sturdy Beggars
Sir Philip Sidney's Achievements (AMS Studies in the Renaissance, #28)
Continental Humanist Poetics
John Skelton, Priest As Poet
Humanist Poetics
Essential Articles for the Study of Sir Philip Sidney (The Essential articles)
Flannery O'Connor's Library
Faulkner's Narrative Poetics
Dorothy Parker (U.S.Authors S.)