43 books • 2 series
The Rabelaisian Princess
Making and Furnishing Outdoor Rooms and Porches
Making Walls and Ceilings
The Practical Book of Interior Decoration
The Colonial Homes of Philadelphia and Its Neighbourhood
Villas of Florence and Tuscany
The Practical Book of Period Furniture
The Architecture Of Colonial America
The Practical Book of Period Furniture, Treating of Furniture of the English, American Colonial and Post-Colonial and Principal French Periods
The Practical Book of Interior Decoration (2-3)
The Practical Book of Interior Decoration (Volume 1)
The Colonial Homes of Philadelphia
Interiors, Fireplaces, & Fvrniture of the Italian Renaissance
Little Known England
The Practical Book Of Early American Arts And Crafts
The Practical Book of Chinaware, by Harold Donaldson Eberlein and Roger Wearne Ramsdell; With 12 Illustrations in Colours, 191 in Doubletone, and Diag
Historic Houses of the Hudson Valley
American Georgian Architecture
English Inn Past & Present