686 books
Put your shit together or I'll do it for You
Rescuing cats is my superpower, what's yours?
If you met my family you would understand
Rescuing dogs is my superpower, what's yours?
Repeat after me yes coach!
Rescuing dogs and cats is my superpower, what's yours?
Please do not interrupt me while I'm ignoring You
Best effin aunt ever
Let's keep the dumbfuckery to a minimum today
You're awesome keep that shit up
Football is my second f-word
I fucking miss You bitch
This gal is the shit
Good luck finding better coworkers than Us
Freestyle is my second f-word
Teaching is my superpower, what's yours?
Retirement weekly schedule
Sorry no hablo fucktardnol
This guy is the shit
Thinking about You
Some aunts have handsome nephews
I almost pulled a muscle giving AF
Here I am what are your other 2 wishes