25 books • 4 series
The Laziest Boy in the World
Hungriest Boy in the World, the
Samurai and the Long-Nosed Devil
Half and Half
An Ocean Apart, a World Away
Yang the Eldest and His Odd Jobs (Yang)
Ties That Bind, Ties That Break
Jojo's Flying Side Kick
Yang the Second and Her Secret Admirers
Den of the White Fox
The Loyal Cat
Yang the Third and Her Impossible Family (Yang) (Yang Family)
April and the Dragon Lady
Yang the Youngest and His Terrible Ear (Yang) (Yang Family) (Paperback Plus)
Yang Youngest & His Terrible Ear
Phantom Tiger Mountain
Who's Hu
Village of the Vampire Cat
Valley of the Broken Cherry Trees
White Serpent Castle
Samurai and the Long-Nosed Devils
Island of Ogres