234 books • 8 series
T-Kit No.2
European Prison Rules
Heritage for the Future
Minority Rights Jurisprudence
Protecting Witnesses of Serious Crime
Education of Roma Children in Europe
The Status of International Treaties on Human Rights (Science and Technique of Democracy, #42)
Population Ageing and Its Challenges to Social Policy (Population Studies, #50)
European Standards of Electoral Law in Contemporary Constitutionalism (Science and Technique of Democracy, #39)
T-Kit No. 6
The Challenge of Transcultural Diversities
Manual on Human Rights and the Environment
Eating at School - Making Healthy Choices
Drug Addiction. Ethical Eye
Human Rights and the Fight Against Terrorism
Organised Crime in Europe
Short Guide to the European Convention on Human Rights
Council of Europe Law
Don't Judge a Book by Its Cover
Protecting Birds from Powerlines. Nature and Environment No.140 (Nature and Environment, #140) (Nature and Environment)
State Consolidation and National Identity
The Status of Sign Language in Europe
Trading Up
The European Charter for Regional or Minority Languages