26 books • 4 series
The Life of Captain Matthew Flinders, R. N (Classic Reprint)
Laperouse (Classic Reprint)
Men and Thought in Modern History (Classic Reprint)
A Short History of Australia (Classic Reprint)
The Official History of Australia in the War of 1914-1918
The Life of Matthew Flinders - Scholar's Choice Edition
A Short History of Australia - Scholar's Choice Edition
A Short History of Australia - Primary Source Edition
Terre Napolen; A History of French Explorations and Projects in Australia
Terre Napoleon, a History of French Explorations and Projects in Australia
Lap Rouse
Men and Thought in Modern History
Terre Napoleo N; A History of French Explorations and Projects in Australia
The Life of Captain Matthew Flinders, R.N (Cambridge Library Collection - Maritime Exploration)
The Life of Captain Matthew Flinders (Illustrated Edition) (Dodo Press)
Life of Laperouse (Dodo Press)
The Life of Matthew Flinders
Terre Napoléon a history of French explorations and projects in Australia
A Short History of Australia
The Life of Laperouse
Terre Napoleon (Cambridge Library Collection - History of Oceania)
The Life of Captain Matthew Flinders
Laperouse (Travel & Exploration)
El Pueblo del Secreto