42 books • 6 series
Rebel Women
The Women's History of the Modern World
Warrior Women
Der heilige See
Hell Hath No Fury
Isolde, Queen of the Western Isle: The First of the Tristan and Isolde Novels
Child of the Holy Grail, The: The Third of the Guenevere Novels
Maid of the White Hands, The: The Second of the Tristan and Isolde Novels
The Lady of the Sea (Tristan and Isolde Novels, #3)
Isolde 2: The Maiden Of White Hands
The Maid of the White Hands (Tristan and Isolde Novels, #2)
Isolde Queen of the Western Is
Isolde, Queen of the Western Isle (Tristan and Isolde Novels, #1)
Isolde (Isolde, #2)
Ysolde 3
Child of the Holy Grail, the
Galahad - El Hijo del Santo Grial
Who Cooked the Last Supper?
The Child of the Holy Grail (Guenevere S., v.3)
Lanzarote & El Caballero del Lago Sagrado
Guenevere, Queen of the Summer Country
Guenevere (Guenevere Novels)
The Knight of the Sacred Lake (Guenevere Novels, #2) (Guenevere S., v. 2)