37 books
Star Born
A Lover's Litanies (Esprios Classics)
The Lover's Missal (Classic Reprint)
Gladys the Singer: And Other Poems (Classic Reprint)
A Lover's Litanies and Other Poems (Classic Reprint)
Nero and Actéa (Classic Reprint)
A Song of the Sea, My Lady of Dreams: And Other Poems (Classic Reprint)
Vox Clamantis a Comparison Analytical and Critical Between the Columbus at Seville of Joseph Ellis of and the Columbus of the Poet Laureate (Classic Reprint)
Love-Letters of a Violinist (Classic Reprint)
The Royal Marriage Ode
Love Letters of a Violinist and Other Poems (Classic Reprint)
A Lover's Litanies (Classic Reprint)
Gossamer and Snowdrift
A Song of the Sea
Love Letters of a Violinist
The Song of the Flag
Pygmalion in Cyprus and Other Poems
A Song of the Sea; My Lady of Dreams and Other Poems
Nero and Actea; A Tragedy
The Song of the Flag, a National Ode
Mr. Eric MacKay and "vox Clamantis"; A Summary of Incidents Controverting Assertions Contained in Two Letters Addressed to the Editor of "the Birmingham Daily Gazette"
Vox Clamantis
Lord Byron at the Armenian Convent