16 books • 1 series
British Railways Station Totems: The Complete Guide
Railway Journeys in Art Volume 9: Rails Across America (Poster to Poster)
The Poetical Works of the Late Richard Furness: With a Sketch of His Life (Large Text Classic Reprint)
Railway Journeys in Art Volume 8: Worldwide Destinations (Poster to Poster)
Speed to the West: A Nostalgic Journey
Railway Journeys in Art Volume 7: The Glorious South-West (Poster to Poster)
Railway Journeys in Art Volume 6: The British North West (Poster to Poster)
Railway Journeys in Art Volume 5: London and the South East (Poster to Poster)
The Poetical Works of Richard Furness [Ed.] with a Sketch of His Life by G.C. Holland
Railway Journeys in Art Volume 4: The Eastern Counties (Poster to Poster)
Railway Journeys in Art Volume 3: The Midlands and Wales (Poster to Poster)
The Poetical Works of Richard Furness
Railway Journeys in Art Volume 2: Yorkshire and the North East (Poster to Poster)
The Poetical Works of the Late Richard Furness
Railway Journeys in Art Volume 1: Scotland (Poster to Poster)
The Book of British Railways Station Totems