42 books • 12 series
Una Breve Historia de la Democracia
The Shortest History of Democracy
To Kill A Democracy
The New Despotism
Power and Humility
Vida y Muerte de la Democracia (Politica y Derecho)
When Trees Fall, Monkeys Scatter: Rethinking Democracy In China
Refiguring Democracy (Routledge Studies in Anti-Politics and Democratic Crisis)
Cultural and Theological Reflections on the Japanese Quest for Divinity (Theology and Mission in World Christianity)
Pico-solar Electric Systems (Earthscan Expert)
Pico-Solar: The Earthscan Expert Guide to the Technology and Emerging Market (Earthscan Expert)
Democracy and Media Decadence
Hidden Kilkenny (Hidden, #4)
The Chav Killer Trilogy - Fully Illustrated
The Evolution of Geography; A Sketch of the Rise and Progress of Geographical Knowledge from the Earliest Times to the First Circumnavigation of the Globe
The Life and Death of Democracy
Six Months in the Hijaz
Violence and Democracy (Contemporary Political Theory)
The Teapots Are Out and Other Eccentric Tales from Ireland
Violence and Democracy. Contemporary Political Theory
The Musician's Guide to Pro Tools
Global Civil Society? (Contemporary Political Theory)
Whatever Happened to Democracy?
Reflexiones Sobre la Violencia