50 books • 10 series
Tim Conley is the author of four books of short fiction, the most recent of which is Collapsible (New Star Books, 2018), and one previous poetry collection. He teaches at Brock University in St. Catharines, Ontario.
Gap Analysis and Alternatives Analysis of the Coast Guard Cost Estimating Workforce
Analyzing a More Resilient National Positioning, Navigation, and Timing Capability
Carmichael Falls Junior Rangers
The Varieties of Joycean Experience (Anthem Irish Studies)
Baselining Defense Acquisition
Unless Acted Upon
Expanding Operating and Support Cost Analysis for Major Programs During the Dod Acquisition Process
Father Mnuchin - The Searcher
The Standing Stones
Gateway to the Past
A Time to Care (The Curse of Indian Gold, #1)
Useless Joyce
Withdrawn from Man
Tales by the Light of the Moon Shadows
The Curse of the Harvest Moon (The Rhumgold Sagas, #6)
Foundations of the Moon Runes (The Rhumgold Sagas, #4)
The Benoit Sagas
The Triple Thrones of Theuniss (The Rhumgold Sagas, #4)
Are You Afraid of Clowns?
World Gates
The Guardians of Time (Guardians of Time, #1)
FLAPPERHOUSE #7 - Fall 2015
The Witching Dimension