Kathleen George is an author of thrillers and a professor of theatre. Born in Johnstown, Pennsylvania, she completed a doctorate of theatre at the University of Pittsburgh, where she has taught for many years. In 1999, she published The Man in the Buick, a collection of short stories that she followed up with Taken (2001), a well-received thriller about a child's disappearance.
Sep 4, 2019
Cover of Election Day

Election Day

Sep 4, 2019
Cover of The Flyer

The Flyer

Sep 4, 2019
Cover of Family


Sep 4, 2019
Cover of Wagon Train

Wagon Train

Sep 4, 2019
Cover of Pumpkin Pines

Pumpkin Pines

Sep 4, 2019
Cover of Trout Pool

Trout Pool

Sep 4, 2019
Cover of Quart Pail

Quart Pail

Sep 4, 2019
Cover of Early Snow

Early Snow

Sep 4, 2019
Cover of Memorial Day

Memorial Day

Sep 4, 2019
Cover of Island Visitor

Island Visitor

Sep 4, 2019
Cover of Spring Winds

Spring Winds

Sep 4, 2019
Cover of Split Ash Basket

Split Ash Basket

Sep 4, 2019
Cover of Farm Pond

Farm Pond

Sep 4, 2019
Cover of Vespers


Sep 4, 2019
Cover of Spring Sun

Spring Sun

Sep 4, 2019
Cover of Picnic


Sep 4, 2019
Cover of Spillway


Sep 4, 2019
Cover of October Shadow

October Shadow

Sep 3, 2019
Cover of Morning Hawks

Morning Hawks

Sep 3, 2019
Cover of Climber


Sep 3, 2019
Cover of Christmas Ferns

Christmas Ferns

Sep 3, 2019
Cover of Clayton Holt

Clayton Holt