Michael Toms is the founding President of New Dimensions Foundation, co-founder of New Dimensions Radio and Chief Executive Officer of the New Dimensions Broadcasting Network. Educated in broadcasting at the University of Miami, he went on to post-graduate work in psychology and the philosophy of religion.

He serves as the executive producer and principal host of the award-winning and widely acclaimed "New Dimensions" nationally and internationally syndicated radio series and has spent more than twenty-five years exploring creative ideas with many of the most interesting people of our time and is acknowledged as one of the premier interviewers in media today.

His book, An Open Life: Joseph Campbell in Conversation with Michael Toms is a national bestseller. He is the recipient of two honorary doctorates for his vanguard work in media and is an adjunct Professor at Union Graduate School and Maryklhurst Graduate School of Business.

A writer, seminar leader, communications, marketing and fundraising consultant, he has worked with literally hundreds of organizations. He also served for seven years as Senior Acquisitions Editor for Harper Collins San Francisco and is Board Chairman Emeritus of the California Institute of Integral Studies.

He is co-author with his partner, Justine Willis Toms, of True Work: The Sacred Dimension of Earning a Living (Bell Tower Feb 1998).