460 books • 178 series
Traditional Japan (World history)
John Wayne (Pop Culture)(Oop) (Pop Culture Legends)
Braving the New World(oop) (Milestones in Black American History)
Life on a Medieval Pilgrimage (Way People Live)
Battle of Marathon (Great battles in history)
Flying Saucers (Opposing viewpoints great mysteries)
Battle of Zama (Great battles in history)
Cleopatra (The importance of)
Ancient Greece (The history of weapons & warfare) (Greenhaven Encyclopedia of) (Exploring the Ancient World) (World History (Lucent)) (History of the World S.) (Daily Life)
Roman Empire (World history) (History of the World S.) (World History (Lucent))
The Extinction of the Dinosaurs (Kidhaven Science Library S.) (The mystery library)
The Physically Challenged (The Encyclopedia of health)
Braving the New World, 1619-1784 (Milestones in Black American History S.)
Vitamins and Minerals (The Encyclopedia of health)
How Serious a Problem is Drug Abuse? (Opposing viewpoints pamphlets)
Charles Darwin (Lib of Bio)(Oop) (Chelsea House Library of Biographies)
Medical Diagnosis (The Encyclopedia of health)
Thomas Jefferson (Encyclopedia of Presidents, Second, #3) (The importance of)
Franklin D. Roosevelt (Pop Culture Legends) (Great Achievers: Lives of the Physically Challenged S.)
Charles Darwin (Importance of... S.)
Drugs and Sports (Overview)
Recycling (Overview)
H. G. Wells (The importance of)
Voodoo (Opposing viewpoints on great mysteries)