35 books • 3 series
The Talent of Rich-Maximize
The Secret of The Science of Getting Rich
Penso e Acontece
Change Your Paradigm, Change Your Life
Best Way To Use Goal Setting To Get ANYTHING You Want!
D-Day Future Past
The Authorities - Anne Corbin
The Authorities - Dr Latanya Benjamin
The Authorities - Patrick Ramsay
The Authorities - Ellie D. Shefi
Navigating the Clickety-Clack
Get Sh*t Done
12 Power Principles for Success
Dear Jo Anne
The Art of Thinking
The Mindset of a Millionaire
Thinking Big (Made for Success)
The 7 Power Principles for Success
The Art of Living (Prosperity Gospel)
You Were Born Rich
The ABCs of Success (Prosperity Gospel)
Thoughts Are Things (Prosperity Gospel)