61 books • 3 series
Into the Wastelands (Diaphanes Forward Fiction)
La Maison
Radio Works: 1946–48
The Projectionists – Eadweard Muybridge and the Future Projections of the Moving Image
Glory Days: Wallace Arnold
Film′s Ghosts – Tatsumi Hijikata′s Butoh and the Transmutation of 1960s Japan
Artaud 1937 Apocalypse - Letters from Ireland August to 21 September 1937
Guiseley Terriers: A Small Part in the Great War
White Noise Ballrooms
Thatcher's Tomb
Berlin Bodies
Westminster, Governance and the Politics of Policy Inaction
Controlled Atmosphere IR Belt Furnace Model LA-309P Operation & Theory
Pierre Guyotat: Revolutions & Aberrations
The Tokyo Trilogy
Performance Projections
England's Darkness
The Defeated, the Exalted: Poems by Marcus Reichert
Cities of Oblivion
Sadists of the Rising Sun
The Massacre Game
The Magadan Massacres