As a child, I was fascinated by mother kneeling on the floor, smoothing the fabric and carefully pinning the pattern pieces. I, every bit as carefully, loved to follow behind her, unpinning the patterns and placing the pins back into the cushion. I could not have been more than four or five. My earliest memory of sewing is creating clothes for my Barbie Doll. I used a hand needle and thread, and scraps from my mother’s dress. I progressed to baby doll clothes, followed by the Catholic School white uniform blouses. After receiving a Clothing and Textile degree from Madison Area Technical College, I was fortunate to be hired by two different sewing machine companies, and traveled around the country working at trade shows and state fairs, educating sewing machine dealers and consumers. Currently, as a controller for five regional real estate offices with over 150 agents in upper Indiana, I still sew, knit and crochet for relaxation after a busy day of crunching numbers. I find my fascination with fiber and fabric has continued to evolve through the years.