122 books • 24 series
Robert J. Randisi is the creator and writer of the popular series The Gunsmith, under the pseudonym "J.R. Roberts." He is the author of The Sons of Daniel Shaye series and many other western novels written under his own name.
Lincoln County
The Miracle of Revenge (Angel Eyes, #1)
It Was a Very Bad Year (A Rat Pack Mystery, #7)
The Winning Hand
Fly Me to the Morgue
I'm A Fool To Kill You (A Rat Pack Mystery, #5)
You're Nobody 'til Somebody Kills You
Crow Bait
Broadway Bounty (Bounty Hunter, #5) (Decker Bounty Hunter, #5)
Vengeance Creek (Sons of Daniel Shaye, #2)
Gallows (Leisure Historical Fiction)
Pearl River Junction (Sons of Daniel Shaye, #3)
Sex, Lies And Private Eyes
Beauty and the Bounty (Leisure Western) (Decker Bounty Hunter, #3)
The Lawman (Decker Bounty Hunter, #2)
Double The Bounty (Decker Bounty Hunter, #1)
Texas Iron
Texas Bluff (Gamblers, #3)
Denver Draw (Gamblers, #2)
The Money Gun (Leisure Historical Fiction)
Blood Trail to Kansas
The Sons of Daniel Shaye
Butler's Wager (Gamblers, #1)