20 books • 7 series
Loving the Planet
A Primer in Ecotheology (Cascade Companions)
Wisdom of the Liminal
Christ and Evolution
Genetic Futures and Our Search for Wisdom (University of Chester: Inaugural and Professional Lectures)
Pierre Teilhard De Chardin on People and Planet
Wonder and Wisdom
Genetics and Christian Ethics (New Studies in Christian Ethics)
Genetics and Christian Ethics. New Studies in Christian Ethics. (New Studies in Christian Ethics)
Ethics of Nature, The. New Dimensions to Religious Ethics.
The Ethics of Nature (New Dimensions to Religious Ethics, #1)
Re-ordering Nature
Creation Through Wisdom
Biology and Theology Today
Genetic Engineering for a New Earth (Ethical Studies, No. 114.)
Ecology in Jurgen Moltmann's Theology (Texts & Studies in Religion, v. 75)
Theology and Biotechnology
A Handbook in Theology and Ecology
Gaia and Green Ethics (Ethics S., #88)